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By Marc Smolowitz, Director / Producer of THE G WORD

Today is a big day for THE G WORD documentary with two significant milestones to share:

We are launching our IMPACT MANIFESTO, a document that is just under 1,200 words and will guide key aspects of our work for the next 2-3 years. This Manifesto, which has been written with help from members of our growing National Partnership Network, is designed to help you, our audience, and the larger public, connect with our mission, vision, and values as a film project. It is also our way of articulating that we are actually much more than a film project. We see ourselves as changemakers who are building a robust social change enterprise around our film with goals in three key areas: outreach, engagement, and impact. These three ideas are critical to our work as storytellers and activists, and what the film industry calls being IMPACT PRODUCERS. So, today, we invite each of you to read our Manifesto, and join with us in the movement to expand understanding and awareness of giftedness and neurodiversity. If you like what you read, we warmly invite your endorsements here. We’re inviting both organizations and individuals to sign-on. From there, and perhaps, more importantly, we further invite your input and commentary here. This Manifesto is designed to be a living, breathing, and evolving document. A road map that is intentionally open, transparent, and responsive to the communities and stakeholders that we seek to engage and serve.


In tandem with our Manifesto, we are kicking off a dynamic crowdfunding campaign today -- THE FUTURE IS GIFTED -- that aims to bring on an unprecedented number of new paid partners by the end of this calendar year. Our goal is to raise $75,000+ through this ambitious partnership campaign, so we can stay on schedule to complete THE G WORD by early 2022 and move forward with the multi-year goals that are outlined in our Manifesto. In order to do that, we need your help this season to amplify our fundraising message and ensure we are successful. 

If you are connected with an organization of any size that is doing important work in the larger space of gifted/talented/neurodiverse education, we invite you to learn more about how you can become a partner of our film today, as well as the benefits and recognition your organization will receive through your participation.

To date, twenty-eight incredible organizations have joined our National Partnership Network, and they represent a diverse and powerful cross-section of local, state, and national groups doing important work in the fields you are likely most passionate about. With your help, and by year’s end, we’re poised to expand our partnership roster to some 100+ groups, across all 50 states, representing every kind of zip code in this great nation. 

Let the FUN in fundraising begin!!


For more info on partnerships or to join the network, please contact: Danielle Holke, Community Manager, danielle.holke@gmail.com. 
